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Athens, 12th of March 2018

Ref. Number:935

Call for expression of interest for the selection of a temporary regular member of the Scientific Council of the HFRI

The Scientific Council (hereafter referred to as “SC”) of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (hereafter referred to as “HFRI”), according to the provisions of para. 8, article 8 of L. 4429/2016 (National Gazette, issue A’ 199/21.10.2016) and the procedure defined in it, addresses a call to scientists of international stature originating from the Engineering and Technology Sciences to express their interest to fill one (1) vacant position as a regular member  of the SC of HFRI.

HFRI is a Public Entity governed by private law and supervised by the assigned to the Research and Innovation sector Alternate Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. Its headquarters are located in Athens.

The SC of HFRI consists of nine (9) regular members, who are scientists of international stature, originating from the following scientific sectors: a) agricultural sciences, b) natural sciences, c) mathematical and information technology sciences, d) social sciences, e) humanities, f) environmental and energy sciences, g) medical and health sciences, h) engineering and technology sciences and i) innovative entrepreneurship.

The SC administrates HFRI and has mainly the following duties:

a. Ensures the achievement of the Foundation’s objectives, based on the national policy on research and innovation;
b. Accepts donations and any kind of funding;
c. Establishes decision and appeals committees for the evaluation of proposals and the selection of the final beneficiaries;
d. Selects the Director and Deputy Directors;
e. Approves the budget of the Foundation, upon the Director’s proposal;
f. Recommends before the General Assembly collaborations and partnerships for the Foundation with public and private entities, from Greece and abroad;
g. Recommends to the Minister the amendment of the Foundation’s Internal Regulation;
h. Approves the operation of services and offices of the Foundation in other cities of the Greek Territory, upon recommendation of the Director.

The SC is also responsible for any matter that concerns the administration of HFRI that is not assigned to the General Assembly or the Director.

The members of the SC are entitled to a compensation for their participation in the meetings, in accordance with the provisions of par. 3 of Article 22 of L. 4354/2015. Regarding the travel reimbursement rules for their participation in the meetings, the provisions of par. D of Article 2 of L. 4336/2015 are applied.

Qualifications of the Scientific Council Members:

Under the Decision No. 1/5.12.2016 of the Scientific Committee of HFRI (National Gazette, issue B’ 4110/2016), the members of the SC should be personalities of great scientific stature, internationally distinguished for their research work and have significant experience in scientific policy making issues.

The origin of the members of the SC should preferably cover the wider Greek scientific community coming from different institutions of the public or the private sector. Research experience in technologically advanced foreign countries is desirable.

The Members of the SC must:

a. have a PhD;

b. have participated successfully, as scientific supervisors, in research projects that were approved, following a competitive national or international procedure and ruling;

c. have substantiated service and administrative experience in research management and its results, at Universities or Research Centers, within Greece or abroad;

d. have extensive scientific work published in monographs or original scientific publications in journals of international standard. This work should be internationally recognized, evidenced, inter alia, by suitable bibliometric impact indicators or international awards and prizes;

e. be a fluent speaker of the Greek language.

A qualification which is considered in favor of the candidates for the election of the SC Members is whether their candidacy is supported by institutions (Higher Education Institutions, Research Centers under Article 13a of L.4310/2014) which are representated in the General Assembly of the Foundation.

A proposal may be submitted by the Senate or the General Assemblies of the Departments of the Universities or the Executive Boards of the Research Centers or the Scientific Councils of the Institutes of the research centers, which are representated in the General Assembly of the Foundation.

A proposal to support a candidacy may also be submitted by the members of the National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI). The proposal to support a candidacy must be substantiated. Each body or each member of the NCRI may submit up to three (3) proposals.

Submission of applications:

The candidates or supported candidates should send by e-mail a signed application and the below mentioned documents to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The subject of the e-mail message should be "Application for the participation in the SC of HFRI".

All applications must be accompanied by:

a. a brief statement in which the candidate outlines the reasons of his/her interest for the membership in the SC of the HFRI;

b. a detailed curriculum vitae in which, inter alia, the following information should be mentioned: date of birth, marital status, website, studies, scholarships and prizes, experience and positions held in the academic - research sector (public / private, domestic / foreign), participation in international committees, board of directors, professional organizations and competencies therein;

c. an itemized list of scientific and other publications, patents and participations in conferences.

Applications not accompanied by any of the above documents will be regarded as inadmissible and will not be considered at all.

The deadline for applications expires on the 20th of April 2018.

This call will be published on the websites of:


On behalf of the Scientific Council of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation

Prof. Xenophon VERYKIOS

Vice President of the Scientific Council

Research & Innovation


Ministry of Education, Research & Religious Affairs

37 Ad. Papandreou st. 151 80 Marousi


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