
NOESIS wins a global distinction by the American Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC)

for its contribution in order refugees to be embraced by the local community


Noesis wins a global distinction by the American Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) for its contribution in order refugees to be embraced by the local community.  The prize will be received on Friday, October 20th, in San Jose, California, by the president of Noesis, Michalis Sigalas and the general manager, Thanasis Kontonikolaou.  Meanwhile, the grand exhibition - tribute to Nikola Tesla, the Serbian scientist who invented the alternating current (AC), begins in Noesis on the following Saturday, October 21st.  As Mr. Kontonikolaou said on TV100, there has already been some considerable interest in the exhibition, and it is likely to be extended until May.  Also, starting November 4th, the new movie program in Noesis begins, which comes directly from the European Space Agency.


Research & Innovation


Ministry of Education, Research & Religious Affairs

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